As of Tuesday, April 7, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases on Montserrat has increased to eight.

The Ministry of Health and Social Services stated that six samples were sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency, Reference Laboratory for testing on Monday April 6, 2020. Today, the Ministry of Health and Social Services received results for two (2); which were returned as two (2) new positive cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID- 19) in Montserrat. The results of the four (4) remaining samples are presently pending. This brings the total number of positives on island to eight (8).
Of the two new cases, one individual is in home isolation and doing well. Unfortunately, the Ministry is also reporting that the other individual is hospitalized, and is in severe condition and has been placed on a ventilator to assist with breathing. The other six (6) positive cases remain in home isolation and are doing well. The Ministry will continue to monitor their progress until swabs show no evidence of COVID- 19 infection.
At this time, the Ministry wishes to extend its gratitude to all essential workers on the front line of this pandemic. The public is reminded that we can all help in this fight by continuing to practice good hygiene, reporting all respiratory symptoms to the St. Peter’s Clinic and continuing to stay indoors.
If we continue to work together we can contain the spread of COVID-19 in our community.