Overview of the RMPS:

The Royal Montserrat Police Force was established as an autonomous organization on 27th February 1967.  Before that, it formed part of the Leeward Island Police Force headquartered and administered from Antigua. The Police Service is governed by and operates under the Police Act Cap 10.01

The Police Service is mandated to ensure the overall safety of the members of the community through the enforcement of the laws of Montserrat.


“To be recognized as a professional, effective and efficient police service”


To respond effectively to an ever-changing environment by the delivery of enhanced policing service for the safety and protection of the Montserrat Community.

Core Values

  • Integrity – this is the basis of our very existence.
  • Ethical – We practice ethical behaviour at all times.
  • Staff Development-The development and retention of a trained and dedicated staff is pivotal to our very existence.
  • Transparency – Our actions are scrutinised daily, hence our pledge to be transparent.
  • Committed to Excellence – We embrace a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Integrity – We work with integrity and openness to achieve mutual  trust and confidence.
  • Collaboration – We work together with the community of Montserrat and other agencies.
  • Respect – We treat one another with respect, embracing diversity and equal opportunities for all.

Royal Montserrat Police Service new developments

Our Departments/Units

To achieve its mandate of ensuring the overall safety of the members of the community through the enforcement of the laws of Montserrat, the work of the RMPS is undertaken by different departments/units; each focused on specific task.

This is our front line department; responsible for all reports coming into the Service and is the face of the Service while performing their duty within the community.

The Beat and Patrol Unit is focused on the following:

  • The protection of life and property.
  • The prevention and detection of crime.
  • The arrest and prosecution of offenders.
  • The maintenance of public order.
  • Road safety;
  • The safety and protection of coastal borders.
  • The implementation of the Immigration laws and policies.
  • The security of the exclusion zones and emergency response to natural disasters.
  • Drug education.
  • Enforcement of Drug Misuse Laws.
  • Court security and processes.
  • Security of all Government of Montserrat assets.
  • Firearms licensing and enforcement.
  • Liquor licensing and enforcement.
  • Government Headquarters  security;
  • Ceremonial requirements;
  • Financial crime analysis and investigation.
  • Liaison with Interpol.
  • Liaison with Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police (ACCP).
  • Liaison with The Caribbean Community (CARICOM IMPACS)
  • Liaison with Other UK, UK Overseas Territory (UKOT), Regional and International Law Enforcement Agencies and Government and non-Government bodies from a law enforcement perspective.

Officers working in this Unit are placed in one of four Shifts, with each shift being supervised by a Senior Officer.


The Traffic Department operates on the premise of the three E’s, namely Engineering – ensuring road safety, traffic signs and kinds are in place. Education -  Sharing information with members of the community. Enforcement – Ensuring persons are compliant with the laws of Montserrat.

The Services offered by this department are as follows:

  • Collect Revenue on behalf of GoM for temporary Driver’s License.
  • Investigate Major and minor Traffic Collisions.
  • Conduct road audits.
  • Road Maintenance.
  • Erection of traffic signs.
  • Issue Traffic Violations.
  • Report Traffic Violators.
  • Prosecute Traffic Violators.
  • Deliver Road Safety Awareness in Schools.
  • Deliver Road Safety Awareness on Drive Time (Radio Programme).
  • Provide Traffic Data to Various Government Departments.
  • Conduct traffic enforcement and crowd control.

Head of Traffic Department: Inspector, Tyrone Fenton
Main Tel: 664-491-2555

The Marine Department of the Royal Montserrat Police Service provides internal and external boarder security for the Territory of Montserrat. They enforce Maritime and Immigration Laws. Perform search and rescue duties, drug and human trafficking enforcement and assist internal and external agencies with Maritime functions.


  • Enforcement of Maritime and Immigration Laws.
  • Perform search and rescue.
  • Drug trafficking Enforcement.
  • Human trafficking enforcement.
  • Weapons trafficking enforcement.
  • Assist internal and external agencies with Maritime functions


  • Processing of Passengers;
  • Issuing of Visa;
  • Immigrant field trips;
  • Collection of Revenue;
  • Issuing of emergency Travel Documents.

Operational functions:

  • Multiagency operations;
  • Land based tactical operations;
  • VIP protection;
  • Rummage and Search sea and Land;
  • Search and rescue;
  • Maritime Investigations.

Head of Marine & Immigration Department: Inspector, Maleka Newell Email: 

Head of Operations: Superintendent (ag), Courtney Rodney Email:

Marine Heads: Captain George Ryan, Captain Solomon Samuel and Captain, Ryan Darroux


Main Tel: 664-491-2555

The Human Resource Department is considered to be one of the most important assets of an organization. The Human Resource/training and development Unit will provide a culture that emphasizes high performance, personal empowerment, quality standards and goal attainment for all members of the service. It will serve as a liaison to the department’s office of equal Employment Opportunity. This unit is committed to the ongoing effort of providing support to members of the service, and is responsible for the following:

  • Managing safety in the workplace.
  • HR technology;
  • Maintain human resource records.
  • Organization development and learning.
  • Recruitment and selection of department members.
  • Preparation of personnel status reports.
  • Maintain documents relating to appointment.
  • Facilitating the process for transfers; retirement, and
  • termination.
  • Secondary employment and commendations.

Head Human Resource Department Training and Development: Inspector, Julian Wade

Head Information Technology Department: Sergeant, Micah Hilton


Main Tel: 664-491-2555

The CID is the department with the overall responsibilities for the investigations of serious offences on Montserrat, coupled with the policing and eradication of Illegal drugs.

It has the additional responsibilities for the issuance of certificate of character and record keeping.

The following Units fall under the responsibility of CID:

  • Criminal investigations;
  • Criminal record keeping;
  • Scenes of crimes officers;
  • Child safe Guarding;
  • Court and Process.

Head of CID: Ottley Laborde

Investigations: Keniel Murrain Sgt. Email: 

 Scene of Crime: Mataniah Antoine Email: 

Child Safeguarding: Sgt. Chantal Hussey




Main Tel: 664-491-2555

Contact Details

Royal Montserrat Police Service
Government Headquarters
P.O. Box 177

MSR 1110

Tel: (1) 664-491-2555; 491-2556


Commissioner (Ag)

Mark Keith Payne

Social Media

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